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The Algerian private Incubator “IncubMe” will launch a program for the selection of 20 African Start-ups of excellence, from 26 African countries, under the patronage of the Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, in charge of the Knowledge economy and Start-ups.


The launching of the program is scheduled in March 2021. According to the organizers, the objective of this program is to meet the need expressed by some Algerian companies, for technical solutions and to make Algeria the African crossroad for entrepreneurship and innovation.


This project falls in line with the new economic vision of the Algerian government to make Africa its preferred partner.


The selected start-ups should present solution based projects to meet the needs of Algerian enterprises and they will benefit a 6 months incubation in Algeria before venturing into markets, mainly in Africa.

IncubeMe Information Guide French

IncubeMe Information Guide English


إحياء يوم الشهيد

فيفري 2021

Commemoration the Martyr’s Day

18th February 2021

Video below

The Constitution

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Constitution in English      -->

Constitution in French       -->

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Algeria commemorates National Day of Remembrance

Algeria commemorates the 65th anniversary of the Student’s Day, 19th May 1956

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The President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune has decided to make May 8,   the National Day of Remembrance, in tribute to the victims of the massacres perpetrated by the French colonial forces on 8th May 1945, against the Algerian people who claimed Algeria’s Independence in peaceful demonstrations.


This commemoration, the first of its kind since the country's Independence, aims at preserving the collective memory of the Algerian Nation and ensuring the transmission of the spirit of Independence and freedom to rising generations in order to strengthen and ensure their attachment to the homeland and to the glorious Revolution of 1st November 1954.


It also aims at perpetuating the immense sacrifices of the Algerian People in their heroic resistance to French colonialism and occupation for 132 years.

Algeria is celebrating on the 19th May the Student’s Day in tribute to Algerian students who decided on that day to go on strike following the call of the Student’s Union “UGEMA” on the 19th May 1956 and to join the armed struggle for the independence of Algeria.


This decision was a turning point in the struggle of the Algerian People for their freedom and dignity.  By doing so, the Algerian students wanted to show that they are an integral part of the People swapping the pen for the rifle.  More than they sacrificed their lives for the cause of independence.  Indeed, many of them fell as martyrs.


This spirit of sacrifice is reflected in the slogan they chose to justify their decision to drop their studies: “Diplomas won’t make us better corpses”.


65 years later, the Algerian People still remember and pay homage to the memory of these students who fell as martyrs.


This year, the Student’s Day is celebrated under the slogan “Algeria’s students, Glory, Loyalty, Action”


Glory and Eternity to our martyrs


Long live Algeria

Algeria celebrates the Algerian Muslim Scouts National Day


27th May 1941 – 27th May 2021


Principles, Militancy, Hope


For the first time since independence, Algeria is commemorating on the 27th May 2021 the National Day of the Algerian Muslim Scouts which coincides with the execution by the French colonial authorities, of Martyr Mohamed Bouras, founder of the Algerian Muslim Scouts.


This commemoration aims at preserving the collective memory and perpetuate the spirit of sacrifice among the Algerian youth.


This National day is commemorated under the slogan Principles, Militancy, Hope

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Provisional press accreditation form 

Press Accreditation Form ANIE

Communiqué de l'Autorité Nationale Indépendante

des Elections (ANIE) sur les modalités d'accréditation temporaire des Journalistes

Ces documents sont également téléchargeables à partir de la rubrique "Communiqués" du site internet de l'ANIE

Algeria celebrates the 59th anniversary of its Independence

5th July 1962 - 5th July 2021

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Algeria is celebrating, on the 5th of July, proclaimed the " Independence and Youth Day", the
59th anniversary of its independence. This event is the greatest achievement of the Algerian People
against the French colonial power. They opposed a fierce resistance to the French colonial rule
since the 5th of July 1832 when French army invaded the country.

During I32years of colonial presence, Algerians resisted by all means the attempts of the French
colonial authorities to destroy their identity and their social structures. They faced massacres,
hunger, exploitation and misery caused by the destructive acts of the French colonial power which
intended to break down any spirit of resistance of the Algerian People. In vain.

After the massacres of the 8th May 1945 where 45000 Algerians died in martyrs, the Algerian
People rose up as one man to definitively break down the colonial yoke on the 1st November 1954
launching one of the greatest liberation struggles of the 20th century. It was a terrible war which
lasted 8 years, claiming the life of 1,5 million martyrs.

This struggle paved the way for the independence of Algeria achieved thanks to the supreme
sacrifices of the Algerian People who overwhelmingly voted for the independence through a
referendum of self-determination on the 1st of July 1962. The independence of the country was
proclaimed on the 5th July 1962.

Faithful to its history and to the founding principles of the 1st November Revolution, Algeria has
supported and still supports actively all African Peoples and others throughout the world, who
claimed and still claim their right for independence and freedom.
Glory and Eternity to our martyrs

Long live Algeria

National Day of Moudjahid, 20th August 2021

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