الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
سفارة الجزائر بناميبيا
Algerian Embassy in Namibia

Useful links
I. Finance, customs, banks
-Ministry of Finance: www.mf.gov.dz
-Directorate General of Forecasting and Policies: www.dgpp.mf.gov.dz
-Directorate General of Taxes: www.mfdgi.gov.dz
-Directorate General of Customs: www.douane.gov.dz
-Bank of Algeria: www.bank-of-algeria.dz
-Foreign Bank of Algeria: www.bea.dz
-National Bank of Algeria: www.bna.dz
-National Fund for Savings (CNEP): www.cnepbanque.dz
-Stock Exchange of Algiers : www.sgbv.dz
-Commission for Organisation and Monitoring of Stock Exchange Operations: www.cosob.dz
II. Trade and associations of fairs and exhibitions
-Ministry of Commerce: www.mincommerce.gov.dz
-Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry: www.caci.dz
-Algerian Society of Fairs and Exportation: www.safex.com.dz
-National Trade Registry: www.cnrc.org.dz
-National Agency for the Promotion of Foreign Trade: www.algex.dz
-Algerian Company for Export Insurance and Guarantees: www.cagex.com.dz
III. Industry and investment promotion
-Ministry of Industry, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Investment Promotion: www.mipmepi.gov.dz
-National Agency for Investment Development (ANDI): www.andi.dz
-National Agency for Intermediation and Land Regulation (ANIREF): www.aniref.dz
IV. Energy and mining
-Ministry of Energy and Mining: www.mem-algerie.org
-Hydrocarbons Regulatory Authority: www.arh.gov.dz
-Electricity and Gas Regulatory Commission: www.creg.gov.dz
-Bulletin of tenders in the energy and mining sector: www.baosem.com
-Sonatrach (Algeria’s national oil and gas company): www.sonatrach-dz.com
-Sonelgaz (Algeria’s national electricity and gas company): www.sonelgaz.dz
-Algerian Energy Company: www.aec.dz
-Algerian gold-mining company (ENOR): www.enor.dz
-National Agency for the Promotion and Rationalisation of Energy Use: www.aprue.org.dz
-National Agency for Mining Patrimony: www.anpm.gov.dz
V. Other ministerial departments
-Presidency of the Republic: www.el-mouradia.dz
-Prime Minister: www.cg.gov.dz/
-General Secretariat of Government: www.joradp.dz/HEN/Index.htm
-Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development: www.minagri.dz
-Ministry of Water Resources: www.mre.gov.dz
-Ministry for Tourism and Handcraft: www.mta.gov.dz
-Ministry of Postal Services and Telecommunications: www.mptic.dz
-Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research: www.mesrs.dz
VI. Other national organisations
-National Office of Statistics: www.ons.dz
-Algerian Accreditation Centre: www.algerac.org
-Algerian Institute of Standardisation: www.ianor.org
VII. Links to resources for finding Algerian businesses
-Site for the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry: www.elmouchir.caci.dz
-Site for Algerian businesses: www.entreprisesalgeriennes.com
-Directories of Algerian businesses: www.algerieclic.com
and www.rea-dz.com
VIII. Key publications for foreign investors
-La Bourse des Affaires (Business Exchange): published by the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CACI) (to subscribe, contact: dpd@caci.dz)
-LICCAL La Lettre d’Information (Newsletter): monthly bulletin published by the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (to subscribe, send a request by fax to: 00 213 21 96 70 70)
-Bulletin officiel des marchés de l’opérateur public (Official Bulletin of Public Operator Markets) (to subscribe, contact: bomop@anep.com.dz )